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Geeky Partnerships

Whenever we could talk Snickers into doing something something geeky or weird, I got to creative direct those partnerships.


10 year old me would be proud.

Adult Swim

This unhinged 80's-era GI-Joe inspired spot to run during the Adult Swim block and online. 

Hungry Batman Comics

Who knew working on a candy bar would let me creative direct some official Batman comics? This campaign solved hunger related crimes across various eras from the Golden Age to the present, and the art style shifted with each one to reflect those eras. These ran as promo ads on social media and in print at ComicCon. My favorites were the Golden age and the 90's.

Hungry Origin Stories

I made a series of writer's room spots to help announce a new season of Krypton (a prequel series about Superman), on national TV.

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